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Presenting: The Best Tea Selections To Make You Relax And Sleep Well

Drinking Tea Is One Healthy Way To Relax The Body And Mind

Next to water, tea is the most widely consumed drink in the world. It is an aromatic drink that is prepared by using hot or boiling water poured over tea leaves Camellia Sinensis that give off usually a bitter, cooling, grassy and astringent taste. The origin of tea can be traced to Southwest China, where it was originally made as a medicinal drink.

Eventually, it became known as a recreational beverage during the Chinese Tang dynasty, and soon after, tea drinking has reached other parts of the East Asian countries. Tea came to Europe through Portuguese merchants and priests who had traveled to Asia, and by the 17th century, tea drinking became known among Britons. The latter began large-scale production and selling of tea in India to evade the Chinese monopoly.

Tea InfographicsNow, there are several tea plantations across Asia. A tea plant can grow into a tree of up to fifty-two feet in height if left undisturbed, but cultivated growths are usually pruned to waist height for easier plucking. The top one to two inches of mature tea plants are picked, or the so-called “flushes” composed of buds and leaves. New flushes will emerge every one to two weeks during the growing season.

Some people will tell you there is a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea.” Ralph Waldo Emerson, Letters and Social Aims

The health benefits of tea

TeaAside from the ancient Chinese belief that tea has medicinal properties, research has proven more specifically that drinking tea provide the following health benefits:

  • Increasing immune system capacity
  • Aiding in better digestion
  • Enhancing mood
  • Reducing stress
  • Improving sleep and mental alertness

In the modern-day lifestyle where stressors abound, and the body is frequently subjected to anxiety and the threat of sickness, we have to find ways to take care of our health, and the most fundamental way to do this is to ensure that we get enough rest. At times, because we have a lot in our mind or a great deal of adrenaline to control, we find it hard to relax and have a restful night. If you are one those people who experience this, then develop the habit of drinking tea to soothe your mind and body.

But indeed I would rather have nothing but tea.” Jane Austen, Mansfield Park

 The top basic tea drinks to help you relax and rest

While there are just so many tea varieties in the market, you can simply pick from these five basic kinds to have as your drinking companion before hitting the sack.


Chamomile is considered as one of the oldest known plants that are used to create herb infusions for medicinal purposes. The daisy-like plants have been used for treating conditions such as inflammation, muscle spasms, gastrointestinal disorders, hay fever, skin problems, insomnia, and anxiety. Chamomile’s natural and mildly sedative properties serve to induce sleep and even safe enough for children. Chamomile comes in two forms:  Roman chamomile which has daisy-like white flowers and slanted stems, and the German chamomile which has white or yellow flower heads and a branched and upright stem.

Develop the habit of drinking tea to soothe your mind and body.


Ginger is a flowering plant that has a ginger root that is widely used as an ancient medicine and spice. When made into a tea, it gives off a strong aroma and taste, and it is most of the time used to relieve respiratory illness symptoms life a sore throat, a bad cold, and hoarseness. Ginger tea is another alternative to relax and heal the body, especially when you are experiencing digestion problem like bloating. It also helps arrest nausea, so it is prescribed for travelers who are prone to motion sickness. Those who have a low tolerance for the strong flavor of ginger take their tea with a dash of citrus, honey, or mint to obscure the ginger taste.


Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis leaves that have not been withered and oxidized (as opposed to black tea that undergoes this process). Green tea has antioxidant properties that are great at protecting the body from cell damage. It provides an energy boost to start your day right. So, how then can this alternative give you a good rest if the effect is to make you up and about? You can still get that much-needed rest if you love green tea by opting for the decaffeinated version a few hours before retiring to bed.  You’ll then wake up feeling re-energized and ready to start your day right.


LavenderLavender is a flowering plant native to Africa, Europe, and Asia, or what is known as the Old Word.  Specifically, it can be found from Cape Verde and the Canary Islands in Europe, across to eastern and northern Africa, the Mediterranean, southwest Asia, and up to southeast India. Lavender has been used for fragrances, cosmetics, aromatics, and to make tea. Lavender tea is believed to have soothing properties that aid in promoting sleep and improving its quality. Because of its perceived sedative effect, it has become a favorite bedtime drink of tea lovers who want a restful night.


The plant is a cross between watermint and spearmint. It is indigenous to the Middle East and Europe but is now grown and cultivated in many parts of the world. Peppermint has become associated with providing relief to digestive and inflammation problem, including nausea. The cooling effect of the peppermint’s menthol helps people feel soothed and relaxed, while its tranquilizing and anti-inflammatory characteristics are believed to relieve mental stress and lower blood pressure. As a digestive agent, it helps to prevent indigestion and promote flatulence, thereby removing the feeling of being bloated.

If you value your health and want to maintain a revitalized body and mind, try taking up the habit of drinking tea. And while we do not claim any medical authority, we simply want to highlight the benefits of your favorite tea so you can best enjoy it to the last drop.

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