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Mastering Inflation Insurance for Retirees

Are you inclined to put your faith in the Federal Reserve’s commitment to stabilize the inflation rate at 2%? If so, conventional Treasury bonds could be your investment of choice, offering a relatively steady 4% yield.

But hold on a moment. Suppose you’re harboring doubts about the Federal Reserve’s ability to curb the rising cost of living. In that case, it might not be the wisest idea to entrust your financial security to bonds that might repay you in devalued dollars.

Instead, Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, commonly known as TIPS, could be your answer. These securities yield around 1.7%, plus an additional payout tied to the actual inflation rate. Given the unpredictable nature of inflation, the actual rate might well exceed the 2% target set by the Fed.

Let’s delve into the world of inflation protection, exploring the pros and cons of conventional bonds, the benefits of TIPS, and even some alternative avenues to hedge against the cost of living.

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A Reality Check

It’s time to debunk the myth that Treasury bonds are unequivocally secure investments. While short-term bonds seem less risky, those with distant maturity dates have considerable hazards. Although they promise to return to the principal upon maturity, the journey there has its ups and downs – much like a rollercoaster ride.

Conventional Treasury Bonds

Nominal Treasury bonds, constituting a significant portion of outstanding Treasury debt, carry a double-edged risk. First, if inflation ends up being higher than anticipated, the real value of these bonds erodes.

Second, a surprise increase in real interest rates – the inflation-adjusted rates – leads to rising nominal bond yields and declining bond prices, particularly in the long-term sector. This phenomenon was evident in recent times when long-term Treasury bonds faced substantial losses due to these fluctuations.

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TIPS present a different perspective by addressing the risk linked solely to inflation. While they don’t eliminate the potential for real interest rates to surge, they offer a safeguard against inflation-driven losses.

As we witnessed in the past, TIPS didn’t remain unscathed when real rates saw a significant shift. This underscores the complexity of bond investments, as conventional and TIPS bonds carry their unique uncertainties.

Choosing Your Investment Strategy

Selecting the right type of bond for your retirement account hinges on many variables, with inflation forecasts playing a pivotal role. If inflation turns out to be surprisingly low, nominal bonds might emerge as the favored choice. Conversely, TIPS could offer a better outcome if inflation exceeds anticipated.


Given the inherent uncertainties of life and the financial markets, diversification proves to be a sensible strategy. Wealth Enhancement Group, overseeing assets worth $67 billion, exemplifies this approach. Jim Cahn, the firm’s chief investment officer, cautiously predicts a decline in inflation rates.

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While not disregarding nominal-rate bonds, Cahn encourages clients to prepare for potential letdowns in the Federal Reserve’s anti-inflation measures. By blending equities with TIPS, commodities, and a specialized fund linked to the Consumer Price Index, investors can achieve a more comprehensive safeguard against inflation’s unpredictability.

Balancing Diversification With Duration

Duration, a close cousin of a bond’s maturity years, gauges how bond prices react to interest rate fluctuations. Medium-term portfolios, like Schwab’s investment-grade bond index fund, carry durations of around seven years – implying a 1% rate hike could trigger a 7% decline in bond value.

Long-term bonds experience even greater duration sensitivity. However, since predicting rate movements remains challenging, a prudent approach involves diversifying bond investments across different durations.

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