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4 Struggles Every Adult Goes Through

When we were young, we just couldn’t wait to grow up. As kids, we wanted to work instead of going to school, and to have our own place so we don’t have to live by our parents’ rules. We wanted to have our own privacy and freedom so we could make our own decisions without having to ask permission and we couldn’t wait to buy anything we wanted when we get our paycheck.

It is literally every young one’s dream. Little did your young-self know that once you wake up from that fantasy, you will want to go back to sleep because reality will kick in and it is way too far from your dream. You’ll soon find out that being an adult is way more complicated than what you expected.

Teenage Dream – Having Your Own Place With Your Own Rules

Adult Real Life – Paying Your Own Bills and Rent

IMG_5524Couldn’t wait to have your own space and have some privacy where you can throw parties every weekend huh. Well, SURPRISE, you now got your own place where you actually have to PAY FOR IT and don’t forget about the bills. Also, since you are now living on your own, you have to put some food in your own fridge. Unless you would rather eat take-outs every single day (which is very unhealthy) you have to get and pay for your own groceries, since you don’t know how to cook or even which is the right milk to buy? You might end up eating out or ordering pizza or Chinese.

Teenage Dream – Decorating Your Home However You Like It

Adult Real Life – Furniture and Kitchenware are EXPENSIVE.

Isn’t it wonderful to think that you will be the one to choose everything for your new place? It is true but then it will also cost a lot of money. You also need to get a couch, a new carpet oh and of course some appliances (which are MORE EXPENSIVE). Well, you could just get the necessary stuff first and slowly work your own out. You can still ask help from your family especially when it comes to things like this. This is when you will finally realize that

Teenage Dream – Throw Parties Every Weekend.

Adult Real Life – Stay At Home, Netflix and Chill

Admit it, when you were younger, you couldn’t help wish that once you have your own place you can throw parties and have your friends over any time you want. You wouldn’t need to worry about your parents coming home too soon or finding out about it.

IMG_5525Now that you are an adult, you can finally do it. No one will stop you and you can literally throw parties just like what you were dreaming of. Your parents wouldn’t care if you have friends over and have a good time.

Well, it is true that you can do all those stuff, but then again. You are too broke to throw a party since you just paid your rent or bills. You are too tired to go with your friends at some club to go drink till sunrise. You manage to end up on your couch, eating cereal and watching a movie. That doesn’t sound so bad you know, some people don’t have… cereal.

Teenage Dream – Have A Loving Spouse And Two Wonderful Kids.

Adult Real Life – You Only Casual Flings Because Children Are EXPENSIVE.

As a naive teenager, you have your own goal. Get a degree, get a job and finally, have a family. Now that you have your degree and a job, what’s next? Look for the perfect person to spend the rest of your life with and have beautiful babies with them.

Uh? How bout no? Actually A BIG NO (At least not yet until you have a stable income)

IMG_5523How are you supposed to find a decent partner when you only do casual flings here and there? Being in a committed relationship needs a lot of work. If you can juggle your personal and professional life then, by all means, go ahead. But if you are still in that phase where you can’t even cook for yourself or don’t even know which laundry detergent you should get. Why not try to focus on being responsible for yourself first.

Being an adult is extremely difficult. Sometimes we just want to be young again so that all we have to worry about is passing an exam or getting noticed by our high school crush. We realize that,

Life is NOT easy

In fact just by living in this world is not easy. We always have to worry about anything. But then again, we can just try to look at the glass as half full instead of half empty. It is just a matter of perspective. If we focus on the negative stuff and let ourselves get stressed out by the things that are not worth our time, we are just wasting precious moments of our lives.

We just need to calm down and think that everything will fall in to place and that we may be in a difficult phase at the moment but it will all be worth it.

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