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Living Roofs Aren’t Just An Architectural Trend

You’ve probably come across many rooftops that one can call as eco-roofs, green roofs, vegetated roofs, or living roofs. These roofs are rooftops that foster vegetation, like grass, plants, and small shrubs. They have a waterproofing layer, a root barrier, and a drainage system. And on top of that, they place a medium for the plants to grow and flourish. However, the best part is that they look breathtakingly beautiful!

These are usually atop high-end residential homes, and there are several myths associated with them. While they have certainly increased in popularity in recent years, there are many misconceptions about these living roofs, and some incorrect assumptions that we work do bust through in this article.

Myth 1: They’re New and Experimental

Many people wrongly believe that green roofs are a new, trending, and experimental element of the ‘eco tren.’ However, some of these roofs are over 70 years old! One example is a German residence erection that dates back to the 1940s with a green roof.

In Germany, there is an International Green Roof Association conference that took attendees to visit Wohldorf-Ohlstedt, which features lovely green roofed-homes. Green roofs have been around for centuries.

Myth 2: Green Roofs are For Green Buildings

While there are several green buildings that bost certifications and points for their green roof installations, the environmental benefits of this said roof are undeniable. However, the economic and aesthetic benefits of an eco-roof do not limit to homes with eco-objectives. You can get one for a regular home too. The extended garden space is great.

The environmental benefit is that you’re creating a space for many species to flourish. Germany has the longest history of green roofs and extensive green roofs. As it an economical alternative to other options. Green roofs reduce heating and cooling costs. Besides that, it also reduces stormwater runoff. This reduces the risk of flooding. There is also the benefit of added commercial space, increating property market values.

Myth 3: Green Roofs Cause Leakage and Structural Problems

Arguably one of the most common concerns of people with interest in green roofs is that they lead to leakage and structural problems. However, a leaky roof could be independent of it being a traditional roof or a green roof. The integrity of the roof is base don its design specification and its installation.

All types of roofs need waterproofing membranes, as do green roofs. So green roofs are not more susceptible to leakage as the common misconception leads people to believe. The substrate and plants act as a natural barrier to weathering.

Myth 4: Green Roofs are Costly and Challenging to Irrigate

Many people have the misconception that green roofs have to be a ground for the growth of sedum or succulents as it is impossible to irrigate, or incredibly expensive to irrigate a green roof. In reality, all types of green roofs do require irrigation initially, while the plants’ roots establish themselves. The exception is with pre-grown mats that are grown off-site.

Water-storing plants are typically popular because they are hardy and attractive and withstand the tough weathering of being on a roof. Introducing different types of grasses is a great way of creating diverse roof vegetation, increasing its aesthetic charm. There are simple features for rooftops that allow for considerably less irrigation, but irrigation is easy and not costly to install as commonly thought.

There’s no doubt that green roofs are beautiful features, and their decorations usually include welcoming garden furniture, small water features, and even little pergolas. You can easily convert rooftops to green roofs with attractive features like these. Sometimes they are as simple as a regular sloped roof but with sedum or stonecrop, grasses and many other plant species growing on them.

How beautiful would it be to have flowers and native plant species flourishing atop your home?  They can also be easily accessible and often offer beautiful views of the city, the skyline, or even open land. Maybe it’s time you convert your roof to a green roof. And you’re now living in a home that’s an architectural trend. Something that’s in vogue despite being around for centuries! And the best part is that it is economical and eco-friendly too, making your home look trendy!

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