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Six Brilliantly Simple Ways To Boost Your Retirement Savings Now

Whether you have just started working or you are in the twilight of your career, you can still stash away money for your future. It’s never too late or too early to start saving for a rainy day. If you really want to stick to your retirement plans, you need to focus on your savings as much as possible. When you are planning for your retirement, the earlier you start saving your hard-earned money, the better it is for you. Even if you have started saving late or you are yet to begin, know that you are not alone as there are millions of Americans like you who actually start saving later on in their careers or when their kids start going to college. Here’s a tip sheet for you to get started, right now or later.

Start Saving Today

If You Want, You Can Start Saving Starting Today

If you have just started to salt money away for your retirement, start saving as much as you can manage now, thanks in no small part to the compound interest which is auto-generated. Let the compound interest on your savings grow like Topsy as you just sit back and focus on what you are doing now. Compounding makes an amount of money grow at a faster rate compared to a simple interest. This will make your wealth snowball over time and you don’t actually have to save much.

 Contribute Pre-Tax Money

There’s More Than One Way To Grow Your Nest Egg

This becomes easier when your employer offers you a 401(K) plan. The plan enables you to contribute pre-tax money, and you can invest a certain amount every month of your income. For example, if you are in a 15% tax grade and you want to contribute $100 every month, the amount which you can net will drop by precisely $85. This simply means that you can invest more of your monthly earnings. Always consult a tax attorney to know more about what to do with your 401(K).

Open An Individual Retirement Account

Opening an Individual Retirement Account or IRA is a great way to grow your nest egg. To start with, you should learn about a Traditional IRA and choose one depending on your earnings and whether you already have a retirement plan at your workplace. Bear in mind that your contributions to an IRA might be tax-deductive, and your investment earnings might be tax-exempted until you make your withdrawals post-retirement. Learning about Roth IRAs is a good idea, indeed, as these IRAs are funded with post-tax contributions. Chances are really high that you would be eligible for federal tax-free (and possibly, state tax-free) IRA withdrawals.

Automate Savings

Automating Your Savings Is Easier Than You Thought

Personal finance management is simple, but not easy. Since our greedy brains always try to fight our good intentions, it’s important to automate our savings. If you op to automate your retirement contributions, you will never have to think about it. Make your regular contributions to IRA by using Automated Funding Services offered by a number of personal finance management agencies. There are also automatic investment plans that enable users to invest assets automatically in pre-selected specific funds.

Control Your Expenditure

It’s always a good idea to watch your money. Can you pull off a lower EMI rate on your car insurance? Can you start brown-bagging to reduce your daily expenses? You can use a calculator to know where your money is going every day and every month, or you can also list your daily expenses in a notebook to be more aware of how much you spend daily. This way, you can easily find places where you have the scope to reduce your expenditure. You may also consider increasing your annual expenditure toward your retirement funds to cut back on your monthly expenses.

Set Realistic Goals

Achieve Your Retirement Goals Step-By-Step

Knowing the amount of money you need every month to spend makes the process of retirement saving easier. Set realistic benchmarks and inch closer to your retirement goals. You can also use smartphone apps and financial portfolio management services to track your savings. When setting goals, always be realistic. Also, refrain from splurging on things you do not need. If you have extra money, do not just splurge on a vacation or purchase exorbitant goods; instead, try to put the money aside.

In short, don’t take giant leaps to achieve your retirement goals. Instead, take a realistic approach and start saving money starting today. If you want to choose the best available funds to invest in, always try to find and consult a reliable financial portfolio manager. Though your retirement still seems far away, time has a way of speeding up, and it’s better to be prepared for that day by starting today.

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