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Six Ways You Can Conserve Water At Home

While reducing our ecological footprint, it is very important to reduce water waste. Droughts in particular areas are becoming extremely common around the world. If you think that you do not have any role to play in reducing water waste, you are wrong. Each of us should start in our own house and control our use of water. This is perhaps the easiest way to conserve. The best part is that you don’t need to sacrifice much when you are cutting down your water usage. A few easy tricks and you can save a lot. Read on to know more!

Do Your Dishes And Save Water, Too

Even for a layman, it is easy to understand that dishwashers use up a lot of water. So, is hand-washing your dishes a better way? Not really! A study has proven that hand-washing often uses up more water and energy than dishwashers. So, what is the best way to save water when you are doing your dishes? Use your dishwasher, but choose the light wash setting on your machine. This will use up even less quantity of water than usual. If you are buying a new dishwasher, make sure you buy one that has a light wash setting, and one that has an energy star rating helps them use up less energy as well.If you do not have a dishwasher, use a double-dip sink, and fill one side with warm soapy water, and the other with cold clean water. Dip the dirty dishes in the soapy water, let them soak, and then put them in the clean water. This is definitely an ancient way to do your dishes, yet it saves a lot of water.

Go Meatless More Often

If you are wondering how that is related to saving water, then let us tell you, it takes 2,000 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. An average swimming pool would make just ten pounds of beef! This means that if you go meatless for at least two nights a week, you will be saving a lot of water. On the other hand, one pound of chicken takes about 500 gallons of water. Way better than beef, but still a lot of water is wasted. Imagine going meatless twice a week and how much water you will be saving! By turning vegetarian, you will be doing a favor to Mother Earth.

Fix All Leaks And Turn Off Faucets Properly

Turn off faucets at all times while washing and rinsing anything — when you are brushing your teeth, or hand washing clothes and dishes or when you are shaving. When you keep the faucet open, it wastes about two gallons of water a minute. So, turning off faucets may save you hundreds of gallons each month. Also, check for leaks all around the house. Even a slow leak can waste as much as 20 gallons of water every day. Check for leaky toilets as well!

Invest In An Energy-Efficient Washing Machine

Did you know that washing clothes use up almost 20% of domestic water usage? Since the average American family goes through about 300 loads of laundry every year, imagine the amount of water used for it! If you want to reduce water usage for washing clothes, some of the best practices include buying a front-load washer instead of a top-load. But, even more important than that is to find a washer that is highly energy efficient. These washers use 40% less water than usual. Also, make sure you have the machine full before washing it.

Water Your Plants Early In The Morning Or Late Afternoon

If you have a small garden or outdoor plants, do not water them during the day because the sun is hotter meaning the water evaporates faster. Since the sun is less searing early in the morning or late in the afternoon, you can save a lot of water, and the plants are properly watered and hydrated.

Change Your Showerhead

Controlling water usage while taking a shower can be another way to reduce wastage of water. You can either limit your shower time or change your showerhead. A trip to your local hardware store will help you find specific showerheads that can help you conserve water. By reducing your shower time, you can save as much as 15 gallons for three minutes less shower time.

It is imperative to reduce our ecological footprints whenever possible, and our home is the best place to start. Make a list of water usages around the house, and see if there is any place where you can cut down water usage. Teach your kids to save as well. After all, it is for their future that you are saving water.




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