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Winter Is Coming! Here’s How You Can Save On Your Energy Bills This Winter

Winter is knocking at the door, and snow has already made its presence felt in some places. As the temperatures start to decrease, increased heating to shield your body from the chill leads to higher electricity bills. Of course, your summer electricity bills are higher than the winter ones.

But they can still burn a hole in your pockets. Is there any way out to cut down the electricity costs during the winter? Well, yes. The following tips might come in handy and help you save a lot of electricity in the winter season and other times while you continue to live in comfort. Scroll down to know more.

Turn The Lights Off

Though everyone is aware of this, it often goes out of the mind when you need to do it. Whenever you leave a room, don’t forget to switch off the lights. If your television is on, turn it off. In case a game system, a sound system, or a DVD player is left on, turn them off as well. The best option you have is to get a power strip that has the capacity of hooking all the electronic items up to a single on or off switch.

Unplug Your Devices

Many of you might not know that even if you turn your appliances off, power gets leaked from them. The best way to save electricity is by unplugging them when they are not in use.

In addition to that, don’t forget to unplug your computer and mobile chargers whenever you are not using them. Remember, power is in use even though you are not charging any electric appliance.

Invest In Energy Efficient Appliances

In case you are purchasing new appliances for your home, make it a point to shell out some extra bucks on the energy-efficient ones. That will be in your best interest as that extra money will lead to a great amount of savings at a later stage.

During winters, it gets dark much before the usual time. Hence, you will be turning the lights on much earlier than usual. Light bulbs that are energy efficient will go a long way in helping you cut down your electricity expenses. Aside from that, these light bulbs last longer than the less expensive ones.

Reverse Your Fans

You can notice a small switch on your ceiling fan. This helps in reversing the motion of the fan blades. During the summer season, the fan has to push the air downward to create a breeze. If you reverse this motion during the winters, cold air will go up, and the warm air will take its place.

This air circulation would make things comfortable for you. This way, you can also make little use of your central heating system, thus reducing your electricity bills.

Adjust Your Thermostat

Though this suggestion might seem a bit tough for you, if you can bring down your house temperature by one or two degrees, your heating bills won’t be as much as you would expect. Instead of setting the temperature at 72, bring it down to 70 or even 68.

Yes, it will be a bit cold inside, but you can make up for it by putting on a coat and house slippers. You can also avail of oil heaters while going to sleep. This way, you can diminish the load on your home’s central heating system. These heaters come at something around $30. However, don’t forget to place the heater at a distance of two to three feet away from flammable things in nature.

Let Sunlight Come In

During the winter season, always open your curtains to allow sunlight to enter your room and other places in your home. Sunlight will provide the necessary warmth and increase the room temperature quite a bit. During the night, pull them back so that the absorbed heat remains inside.

As you can see, it’s not too difficult to cut down on your electricity bills during the entire winter season. Mostly, if you are mindful of certain things, you actually can save a lot of money. Besides that, always try to follow the top environmentalists on Twitter and subscribe to the Department of Energy newsletter to stay in the loop about the latest energy-saving hacks that you can use.

We hope these tips come in handy and help you save energy this coming winter. Do try these tips and let us know if they were effective!

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