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Forrest Gump Facts Nobody talked about before

injuries on set, good investment by Tom hanks and more facts never told before about Forrest gump

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Released in 1994, Forrest Gump is a beloved Hollywood classic starring Tom Hanks. The movie is based on Winston Groom’s novel of the same name and narrates the whimsical life of the title character – from his youth in Alabama to his adulthood. It has been one of the highest-rated films, becoming both a critical and commercial success. Not only is it one of Hanks’s best works, but it is also one of the most-watched movies across the globe. As with all movies, there are many hidden trivia about Forrest Gump that will surprise even the biggest fans of the film. Here are some interesting nuggets about it:
Fun fact: the movie actually made over $677 million in earnings according to the credit reports but Tom Hanks didn’t even get paid for his acting. In fact, he accepted percentage points which actually helped him earn about $40 million in the end. Talk about making an investment, eh? We’re unsure what prompted him to do this, whether it was his attorney’s or his own idea, it surely made up for all the effort that Tom Hanks put into acting for this movie.

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