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Meet The Top Five YouTubers Who Have Earned A Lot of Money And Fame

YouTube has been catering to audiences on a global scale over the years and has been the go-to platform for amazingly entertaining videos. Your favorite songs, viral clips, and even educational videos – you get them all here. The video streaming platform‘s loyal fanbase has allowed it to flourish and dominate the internet so far. We all know how it works: you can create your own channel on YouTube, shoot a video, and upload it. If it catches the fancy of the viewers, they will start subscribing to your channel, and an increase in subscribers and views means you’ll be able to earn a bit of cash through the monetization of your videos. Many people have found success through this, and so, here are the most successful YouTubers who have created a record with their number of subscribers.

PewDiePie – 101 million subscribers

The 29-year-old Swedish fellow, Felix Kjellberg, has become the undisputed king of YouTube. He loves to make vlogs and review memes, and it’s undeniable that each of his videos has been totally devoured by viewers all over the world. However, he has invited trouble a lot of times due to racial slurs, anti-Semitic “jokes”, and other offensive faux pas. All these could have easily disqualified him from attaining celebrity status. However, his fans’ loyalty has carried him through. He did have to face the consequences to some extent. Disney decided to break any kind of relationship with him, and YouTube was also forced to cancel a series with him. Aside from that, Google took away the Preferred Premium Ad Tier Status from him. Despite that, he’s still the biggest YouTube star to date.

Dude Perfect – 45.6 million subscribers

The channel started its journey in 2009 and has gained cult status by now. It started off with a camera and just a sandwich and has grown bigger and bigger with every passing year. Some messages of faith followed by mindblowing skills have led viewers to subscribe to the channel in huge numbers. The channel is mainly run by Tyler Toney and his mates from Texas A&M, and their purpose is to pass the message of Jesus Christ through their actions. The group aims to use the YouTube platform for much bigger things in the future, and subscribers are eager to watch what they have up their sleeve next.

HolaSoyGerman – 39.7 million subscribers

This is quite an intriguing channel which is run by a guy named Germán Alejandro Garmendia Aranis whose accomplishments have helped him earn two prestigious Diamond Play Buttons, an award given to YouTube channels who enjoy a massive fan following on the platform. Through the channel, you will see him play in a band, sell books, and even campaign with none other than Greenpeace. He is just everywhere doing everything. Brothers is probably his most popular video to date.

Whinderssonnunes – 36.8 million subscribers

You might be thinking: what kind of a name does this channel have? Sounds weird, doesn’t it? But those who are constantly on YouTube and keep track of everything on the platform are pretty well conversant with the 24-year-old Whindersson Nunes. He is one of the most popular figures in Brazil today, and it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to mention that fans have been completely gripped by his videos — or it can be said, they have been hypnotized. His pop parodies of songs like Adele’s Hello and Justin Bieber’s Love Yourself have won over the viewers, and there has been no decline in his popularity. What’s The Wi-Fi Password remains as Nunes’ most popular video.

JuegaGerman – 36.5 million subscribers

No, it’s not what you are thinking about — this is not just any ordinary video games channel. Germán Garmendia, the 29-year-old musician and comedian from Chile, is also the man behind HolaSoyGerman. He loves to discuss everyday topics and surf through the internet looking for interesting and fascinating information. Throughout the day, he stays busy on his keyboard. When he isn’t, German shoots informative videos, if you may call them, and uploads them on YouTube. Having 36.23 million his subscribers under his belt, JuegaGerman’s Rap continues to be his most popular video. Viewers are literally asking for more. Hence, it remains to be seen what he comes ups with his next video.

So, there you have it. These are the most popular channels on YouTube which you might have heard about. You might even be a subscriber of any or all of the top five. Even if you haven’t subscribed to them, just go through their videos and see what has made them so popular! So, are you already thinking of having your own channel?


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